Optional U-Shaped bracket that mounts on the front of Blockut, creating two small support legs for increased stability.
This work bench is a must have for any tile contractor looking for an adjustable work bench. Features: Adjustable height which allows user to work with both a manual tile cutter as well as performing drilling/cutting operations Weatherproof wooden table top Reinforced load platform allows the user to …
The Combination Slalom Tile Cutter is a unique cutter capable of making curved cuts, either by following a free hand drawn line, or guided by a variable radius template. Straight and 45° cuts can also be made by locking the scoring handle in the central position so the cutter scores …
Blockut is a manual machine that, thanks to an innovative and patented kinematic mechanism, is able to develop several tons of power enough to “split” self-locking prestressed concrete up to 11 cm thickness. The carbon steel frame shaped with laser technology guarantees strength and lightness while maintaining the overall weight …
Inch Scale Set for Montolit Tile Cutters P2/P3
11" Cutting Guide for Montolit 26P/43P Cutters
Replacement wheels, lock washers & axle for Montolit Nos. 125P3 and 155P3 tile cutters.
Metal support table for Montolit 26P/43P Cutters. Includes two tables, two clips, and four springs.
For Montolit Minipiuma 26P and 43P Tile Cutters. Includes 4 springs and 2 pins.
The 14” Minimontolit Tile Cutter is a lightweight and compact cutter that’s perfect for small jobs. Cuts tile up to ½ inch thick and at angles of 0° to 60°. Easy to use - after scoring the tile the lever automatically adjusts to the proper position for splitting. Great for …